EATing my heart out; PRAYing for patience;
LOVE being Julia in my mind
Did any of you see Julia Robert’s appearance on Oprah recently? Isn’t she the best? Although, from some of the snarky headlines I have seen online, not everyone appreciated her gushing displays of verbal affection regarding her husband and her kids. Me, I absolutely understand exactly where she’s coming from.
Julia and I have got it really good. Great, actually. Better than your wildest dreams, as it turns out. Her words so resonated with me when she said she is most at peace when the kids are in bed and she’s holding her husband’s hand, just marinating in the joyful knowledge that tomorrow we get to do it all again. Because no one is bouncing around, refusing to get in their beds 45 minutes past bedtime in Julia’s house. Or mine, of course. Or screaming that they can’t sleep without Blue2, the blanket that replaced the favorite baby lovey, Blue; where the hell is Blue2?! Or that they need another light on; or that they need to pee; or that they must have water or they will literally die of thirst and I’ll be sorry. Goodness, I am so glad that Julia and I get to enjoy those wonderful, calm, peaceful moments before we collapse into our own beds, oh-so blessed. ‘Cause we get to do it all again tomorrow.
Sometimes I am so overwhelmed with the beauty of it all, I just want to set my alarm for 4am to get up extra-early (and that’s the time I’d need to set it for, to make sure that I’m up before my darling children), so I can go ahead and start my super- fun, glorious, magical day. I’ll bet Julia does that sometimes.
Of course, it isn’t just about the children for Julia and me. Not only do we have those wondrous beings in our lives — we are also super lucky in the husband department. Just when I thought I couldn’t be more like Julia (after she was named People Magazine’s most beautiful person in the universe, of course), she uttered those words that were pure simpatico — that she sort of worships her husband. What do you mean, “sort of, ” my friend?! I am fully agape whenever my husband enters a room. I typically swoon and fall prostrate to the floor, and then have sex with him. As he often enters rooms where I am, this means we have sex at least a few dozen times a day. Doesn’t everyone? Really, its not that big of a deal; you can hardly help yourself when you are married to a god of a man. Like me and Julia are.
I am just so excited for her new movie EAT, PRAY, LOVE. Based on the book by that fabulous woman who wanted to travel the world –and got to do so through an advance from her publisher. Which doesn’t make her experience any less authentic, if that’s what you’re thinking, than if she’d had the journey first and then decided to write about it later. If you are thinking anything remotely like that, it’s clearly because you are consumed with jealousy by her good fortune. And Julia’s.
And mine.
This post originally appeared on
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